Groundwater Flooding - One year on
Thursday 26th February 2015, British Geological Survey, Keyworth
Workshop Information
A year after the groundwater flooding events of 2013/2014 the UK Groundwater Forum held a workshop to examine the key challenges related to groundwater flooding and to bring together the different communities affected. This included government departments, national infrastructure owners, first responders, local authorities, researchers and industry.
The workshop provided an opportunity to share experience of good practice, identify lessons learned and also what needs to be done better in preparation for, and during, future events. We considered the issues from a range of perspectives including policy/decision makers, utility owners, local authorities, infrastructure owners, communities affected by flooding and researchers.
The outputs of the workshop will contribute to a position paper on groundwater flooding that will define key recommendations to help inform UK Government and others on how to improve resilience to groundwater flooding.

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